About Us

We are passionate about the right of all children to have a high quality education and the role that parents and families can play in this.

We promote the authentic inclusion of parent voice in education policy and practice, and family engagement as a pathway to improvement.

We aim to help change things for the better.

Our Vision

All children succeed.

Our Mission

We exert influence and effort in the pursuit of better education policy and practice.

Our Values

  • Voice
  • Quality
  • Equity
  • Choice

We are a voice for parents and families and a source of information, advice and support.

We advocate for the right of primary caregivers to be supported in their role and to contribute to education policy and practice (voice and quality), the right of all children to receive an excellent education so they can achieve their potential (quality and equity), and for the provision of adequate funding and information so that families can make informed decisions (choice, equity, quality, voice).
